
Get early insights and make the right connections

TechSpring can help you evaluate concepts, validate assumptions and most importantly, connect you to your customer environment by facilitating meetings with healthcare providers, IT staff, administrators, patients, caregivers, doctors and nurses.

Getting early insights from your future customers and users is key to a successful launch. Let us know about your needs for interviews, focus groups and usability testing. We can help you develop customers and gain insights that will design and refine your product or service.

Please fill out the form below or email Jill at [email protected].

Understanding workflows, needs and behaviors through focus groups, observations and interviews 

Imprivata teamed with TechSpring in March 2014 to interview and observe "as is" workflows related to the prescribing of controlled substances. The goal of the User Experience Study was to inform the design of a product improving Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances, through observation and key stakeholder interviews. The Imprivata User Experience (UX) research team met with Baystate Health stakeholders including: the IT security officer, IT administrators, physicians and providers, as well as Medical Affairs and the CMIO.

“We have successfully completed our first innovation project at TechSpring and are in the planning stage for the next one. With TechSpring, Baystate Health has found a winning model for accelerating innovation in healthcare technology. We see tremendous benefit in piloting new technology in a real healthcare environment. The challenges in navigating complex workflows and assessing innovation value are real; TechSpring helps lower the bar.”

- Medecision


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