
What if I need 24/7 access?


All TechSpring resident members have 24/7 privileges, but here are a few things you should know:

Your Comfort: Office temperature is maintained by the building and is held between 67-74 degrees during business hours.  The HVAC does shut off at 6pm and on the weekends.  If you are here doing those hours, please be prepared for higher or lower temperatures but nothing outrageous.   

Your Safety: Everyone, including resident members, entering the building outside of business hours is required to sign in at the lobby security desk; provide a photo ID; and be listed on our “24/7 List” kept at the security desk. If you expect visitors outside of business hours, provide their name and estimated time of arrival to the security desk in person or by calling 413-733-8782. Please remember to sign out -- and remind your guests to sign out -- so security knows who is in the building