
TechSpring Times 12

TT_3_-_111_copy_200.jpgHere's what's on tap at TechSpring for the week of 6/8/15.

Come to ‘Tap into TechSpring’ this Thursday: Better Care for Vulnerable Populations

Join us June 11 from 5-8pm at our monthly open house event: 'Tap into TechSpring’. Food and drink, informal networking, plus compelling presenters stimulating conversation. 

This month we have a panel discussion:


  • Dr. Orlando Torres, Medical Director of Baystate High Street Health Center- Adult Medicine. Perspective: Be Healthy, Mass Care Population
  • Dr. Andrew Balder, Senior Medical Director BMC HealthNet Plan; Chair Project Baby Springfield. Perspective: Infant Mortality Disparity in Springfield
  • Carrie Sibilia, Geriatric Clinician and Crisis Clinician, Baystate and Behavioral Health Network. Perspective: Elder care, Behavioral Health
  • Drew Kraisinger, Vice President of Innovation and Strategy, Medecision. Perspective: Technology’s role in addressing unmet needs


  • Top challenges or barriers to overcome in creating access to care, providing better care, and achieving better health outcomes for vulnerable populations
  • Technology’s role in harnessing the power of community and engaging the patient to meet unmet needs.
  • The opportunities and challenges of implementing technology for vulnerable populations

RSVP and come share your thoughts and ideas with us!

Sign up to volunteer the night away!

Are you Interested in healthcare venture investment?

We are hosting a private meeting at TechSpring June 17 focused on healthcare venture investment, by investors for investors. If you have spare change lying around and are contemplating angel investing in healthcare related startups, or at least want to be exposed to possible investment opportunities, contact Christian.

TechSpring event: Meaningful use of healthcare data

This is an event for IT professionals working in healthcare analytics. Jargon alert! Join us June 23, 10-2pm, for a meaningful exchange among peers around immediate challenges such as MU2, bundled payments, readmission analysis, customer segmentation, etc.

Healthcare IT professionals will share details of their work today, challenges they are facing, and where they are on the journey to overcome them. Leading technology vendors, such as IBM and Mainline, will share their broader experience working across an extensive range of healthcare provider organizations.

Participants in the conversation include Joel Vengco, Baystate CIO, and Roderick Bremby, Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Social Services, plus professionals from Baystate Health, Zato Health, IBM, Mainline, Court Square Group ...

Event details and RSVP here.

How to get things done: Connect with Joel Vengco, Baystate CIO

Joel Vengco, Baystate VP & CIO, has next open office hours at TechSpring July 10. This is a members-only benefit. As we say, if you show up and contribute to the community here, we’ll do what we can to help you.

Sign up for sessions while they last!

Healthcare exhibitors wanted for summer healthcare fair

We are supporting our local ecosystem of healthcare product and service companies with a summer healthcare fair. We’re looking for healthcare companies who are:

  • Located in Western MA
  • Involved in healthcare in any way - big or small
  • Available to showcase at the TechSpring local healthcare fair this summer

 Email Danielle if you or someone you know is interested.  

No Toke TechSpring ...

Despite persistent rumors, and legalization of medical marijuana in Massachusetts, we hereby deny all rumors of a ‘Toke into TechSpring’ event ...

If you find this newsletter useful, please forward to your friends. We are always looking for more people to join events or come use our space...