
CKD FutureView Session

TechSpring, the Baystate Health Technology Innovation Center, is looking for ways to help patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) communicate more effectively with their physicians! If you have Chronic Kidney Disease, we would like to invite you to a group discussion where we will talk about your needs for communication, education and support. 

You will also have an opportunity to preview a technology that has been developed and give your reaction and feedback.  It’s a great way to see what a technology company is embarking on for the future and to share your voice! 

You will be compensated for your time. Please call (413 794 6867) or email Jill   [email protected]  for more information about the groups that are taking place in Springfield on Tuesday, May 26.

Or sign up for a session here. 

Will you come?

May 26, 2015 at 12:00pm - May 27, 2015
Jill McCormick